Tuesday, January 31, 2017

27 Down for January

Dang it if another 5 days didn't sneak by since my last blog.

I'm officially on day 33 of counting calories and eating right.  

 Last week (ending Sunday the 29th) I was a total of 2366 calories UNDER my budget for the week. The week before that (ending Sunday the 22nd) I was 2055 calories under my budget for the week - that includes a day that I did really bad and was 1000 OVER for the day).  The week before that (ending Sunday the 15th) I was 1521 calories under my budget for the week.  2881 calories under the week before that.

So, long story made short - I have changed the way I do business.  I don't always eat perfect, but I've only had that one day a few weeks ago where I was more than 300 calories over for any particular day.  I am going strong and feel good about it.

I still have days where I just want to stop at the drive through and eat everything they have in stock, but I'm starting to remember how bad I feel and how bad my gut punishes me when I make those bad decisions, and I'm starting to make better and better decisions.

Oh, and I weighed in this weekend and was down another 2 pounds.  So, that's 27 for the month of January.  If my schedule allows, I'll try to get in either tonight or tomorrow so I can have a good scale measurement for the month change.

Hopefully you all are going strong.   Anyone want to do a fun weight loss challenge for the month of February?

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