Monday, January 2, 2017

Food Log and More (1/2/17)

Here's my food for the day. I'm pretty happy with the fact that I am eating REAL foods instead of junk, and you will notice that I have completely cut out extra sugars. It's actually been easier than I elected, and in starting to feel a bit better.
One thing that burns me is the dinner. I made this recipe from scratch - something TOTALLY brand new for me, including the sauce. When I plated the meal for my wife and I, I put half in her bowl and half in mine. As you'll see in the picture, it's not an ENORMOUS amount of pasta in the bowl.
When I went back to load the calories into the calorie counter, I realized that the recipe was for FOUR servings, not two. The frustrating part was that about halfway through the bowl, I told her that I was full. She warmed me to stop if I was full. It was good that I kept going and now I feel overfull.
I'm working on serving sizes. Didn't realize that the serving was half of what I plated. That's a learning curve I need to grow into, and I will. That being said, even with this I was under again.
Now, the hard part starts. Since I started this, I've been at home, able to focus on the food. Tomorrow, real life starts. Tomorrow I have to figure out work, busy schedules and still eating right.  I can do it.  I WILL do it.  It's already done.

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