Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lucky 13

Wont be a long one tonight but wanted to stay accountable.    Day 13 is logged and in the books.   Healthy eating is working but I have to stay focused on being consistent and not letting down.   Things are going well.
We had church tonight so we have to resort to fast food tonight.   As we pulled up,  I realized that nothing looked good.  Too greasy.  Too fattening. I don't know how many calories is in that.   So, instead of guessing, I passed and choose to have healthy (ish) leftovers.   Small token win, because that double bacon cheeseburger sure would have gone down in a hurry two weeks ago.
Went to specialist yesterday.   They told me that I have to get this CPAP machine working.    I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea back in 2013 but hate that machine.   It chokes me out and I wake up in a panic.  I've tried using it for 3 years and absolutely hate it.   The specialist told me to get back on it, because it throws everything off, and is a likely cause of my weight gain.    So, I'll get back to battling that stupid machine again soon.  
Other than that,  things are going well.  Stay strong!

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