Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Every Great Temple Starts With a Single Brick

A few things to talk about today - I'm trying for shorter, more frequent blogs.

Mostly, I want to point out that I'm going to start using the actual BLOG more often - I'm including good references, eating tips, other pages.. that type of thing.   For example, something I'm finding handy is this Recipe Calculator by Calorie Count.   You just have to cut and paste the recipe into a box, tell it how many servings it makes, and it spits out an actual nutrition label.  Pretty cool.

So, if you're reading this on Facebook - I'd encourage you to check the blog out once in a while.  I'll also be putting a lot of my 'data' stuff on the blog like my food logs and such, things that aren't so exciting to read on Facebook.   However, on FB, I'll be posting more motivational stuff, sharing others' stories and that type of thing.   So, I encourage you to follow them both.  :)

Finally, I want to pat myself on the back with one finger.   I stepped on the scale on December 30th and I weighed more than I have in my adulct life - 466 pounds.  Ever since, I've cut out junk food and made healthy decisions, as well as logging all of my calories and keeping myself accountable through these blogs.  

I went to the gym last night and walked my mile on the treadmill (knee is NOT giving up), and then went to step on the scale.


So, ten pounds in 5 days.  That's some Biggest Loser type of stuff.   

However, I've seen it before.  I've done that.  I'm not going to get excited about numbers until I start seeing some that I haven't seen in a while.   But, I will give myself credit for it - because every good temple needs to start with a single brick.  That 10 pounds is my first brick.

1/3/17 Food Log: 

Displaying Screenshot_20170104-134110.jpg

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