Wednesday, February 14, 2007

15 Days and Counting

Weigh In: 330 (could it be anything else?)

Today's one of those days where you just suck it up and trust the trainer. I've been talking to Josh, and he thought that today would be a good day to have a 'cheat' meal, and then see if we can't restart this metabolism. So, I weight in this morning, got my 330, and then had a steak at Mountain Jacks with Peppercorn sauce, a salad with honey mustard and cheese, two rolls with cinnamon butter, and half of a caramel ice cream sundae.

To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about that. Everything that I've been trained to do in terms of weight loss was to avoid that kind of meal in the past. But, the past also signifies about 30 failed attempts at weight loss, so I'm giving this a whirl. Josh has been 100% right on each and every single time, so I'm hoping this works too.

It's strange. I used to look forward to the days that I 'cheated', so they were pretty frequent. Ever since the Coalition, I've been pretty strong about my health, and I never once have been on a 'diet'. My rule of thumb: eat SMART. It's worked pretty well so far up until this horrible plateau, so we're going to go with the Josh way.

I am ready to get off this 330 number. It's becoming pretty obvious that the whole "Under 300 by 30" thing isn't going to happen, but that's ok. As long as I'm headed in the right direction. It pisses me off that I've been locked at this number since January 31, but there's nothing I can do about that. That, as the rest of the failures, are in the past.

I feel like I'm toting around a bowling ball in my gut, and it made me feel crappy afterwards.. but, I can't lie.

That steak was damn good.

Back to work at the gym tomorrow, bright and early.


Carl said...

My understanding is that sometimes your body starts to think, hey , maybe there is not enough food around to sustain myself, I should start to hog calories. and that If you then take that cheat meal, your body goes, oh, this is still a time of plenty, we can keep being casual about spending those calories. and it keeps things moving the right direction.

billy said...

My advice for a cheat meal: Eat a lot, but still eat healthy. Like, I would still avoid white bread and ice cream sundaes. But yeah, eat a big steak, veggies, etc. The point is to get a lot of calories to kickstart your metabolism, not to eat unhealthy things.

Rob Tucker said...

Josh actually recommended the 'cheat meal' as something that's completely 'bad', and pushes the body towards a state of shock.

His example was "a double quarterpounder meal with the large fry and the largest chocolate shake that they have, and then a six-piece nugget'.

To me, that's against everything I'm working towards.. but he's been 100% right on everything else, so I trust every word that comes out of the man's mouth.

Anonymous said...

The cheat meal is a shock to the system. I use the analogy of hunters and gatherers; which our body is pretty much still programmed to function as. The majority of their food was fruit, veggies, nuts, small game, fish, etc, but every now and then they would land a mammoth and just feast...fat and all. Robs choice was excellent, better than mine usually. I"m interested to see what the next couple of days will bring. Also, as much as physically, its a huge mental break. Taking desserts out of life sucks. Its all about moderation and self control. Diets that are too strict very rarely work in the long run.

billy said...

I guess we just have a philosophical difference: I'm learning to enjoy different aspects of food. The foods that I "Crave" now are different. I view the "cheat meal" philosophy as somewhat of a crutch that people use as they adjust to healthier foods. Not that it doesn't work for people, but it's not really for me. That doesn't mean that I don't occasionally overdo it or eat something wrong, but I won't intentionally eat things that I believe are unhealthy for my body.

Anonymous said...

Josh hit it on the nail!

Ya gotta spoil yourself once in awhile. As long as you remain aware of the "long term" damage this kind of eating will do, enjoy!!

Once you do, you discover that the spoil wasn't as big a deal as you thought it was. A well made salmon, or soooo many other meals would as been as delicious, with absolutely no guilt.

It's all about choosing a healthy/fat free menu.

There are sooooo many choices.

When you cook at home, if you're like me, you're limited to your talent and imagination. When you go out, challenge your Chef and your palate...

Wanting a gourmet style meal, doesn’t mean you have to cheat on your healthy lifestyle. You can still "pig out", ALL YOU WANT with the right foods!

Sorry guys but,.... stay away from all the fish you a lot of chicken,(white) center cut pork chops...just try to eat before makes a difference.

Hope you and Erin had a wonderful Valentines Day..

You know who....

Rob Tucker said...

Billy, I COMPLETELY hear what you're saying, and I agree with that. I don't feel that I needed the 'cheat meal' to hold off the cravings, as it is sometimes designed for.

In my case, it was a matter of chemically shocking the system, and giving it a rush of fat to give the body's metabolism something to do. I've been stuck on the same number for 15 days now, and Josh thought that this would be a good 'shock' to the body.

I'm past the whole 'cravings' thing, but it was nice to have the meal I did. If it wasn't for the 'shock' concept, I would have skipped the butter, passed on the ice cream, and had the chicken. It would have been just the same to me.