Pretty non-eventful day, but one I feel pretty good about. I've been working hard, keeping my head on straight, and I'm hoping to see some big bursts here pretty soon.
Today was Fat Tuesday. It was a pretty symbolic day for me.
I always made the joke that today was "my" holiday. I've always said that in the past. A 'day dedicated to the fat guys like me'. Today, it came to me as motivational. I'm tired of being the "fat" guy, and I am pretty tired of not being proud of who I look at in the mirror. In fact, I'm tired of not being happy with who I am, period.
I'm always trying to find extra motivation here and there. In the long run, I want my wife to have a healthy husband. That's been my drive since the beginning. That's my long term goal. But what about the short term? What about those shallow, selfish goals?
I want to look good when the shirt comes off. I want to have the muscles on my body that I'm proud of. I want to not only be physically healthy, but I want to be someone that I look at in the mirror, and say to myself.. "hell, yes".
So maybe it's selfish, and maybe that's not the 'right' motivation.. but I'm going to use it. Everything else still stands.. healthy lifestyle, longer life, feeling better.. it's all important. But I need to be able to admit to you guys, and to myself.. that my looks mean something to me to.
Frankly, I'm tired of being the fat guy.
Fat Tuesday - time to give it a different meaning in my life.
I don't think your motivation is selfish.
In fact, I think it's very important that you are doing this for yourself. It's nice that you want to do this so you can be around for your wife, but I think it's of the utmost importance that your primary reasoning is because it's what YOU want. To be healthy, to look good, to be proud of your body. Those are things we all want, and there's nothing wrong with them.
As a matter of fact, I’m not sure I would have started on this journey if it wasn’t for the fact that I hate what I’m looking at in the mirror but especially in pictures … pictures don’t lie. So, I see no problems with your reasons.
Your reasons kick ass! The great thing is that you have a whole army of different motivations, when one doesn't feel as strong another can kick in. Keep up the great work Rob.
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