We've talked recently about looking at the big picture instead of the small one that we're staring at each day. We always look at the scale instead of other results.. at least I do. I've been working on finding more positives instead of negatives, so I'm going to compare another measurable result -
In blue, it's my workout from January 26, the day I started using freeweights. In red, it's what I completed today:
Work Out - Freeweights
Circuit One
Squats - 3 sets, 15 reps. 85 pounds - 165 pounds
Flat Bench Press - 3 sets, 10 reps, 130 pounds - 135 pounds
Hammer Horizontal Row - 3 sets, 15 reps, 140 pounds - 160 pounds
Circuit Two
Lunges - 2 sets, 10 reps.
Barbell Curl - 2 sets, 10 reps. 65 pounds - 75 pounds
Tricep Extention - 2 sets, 15 reps, full stack (150 pounds) - 3 sets, full stack (150 pounds)
In only 2 weeks, it's starting to get easier. I'm trying to justify in my mind that my weight-loss freeze according to the scale is because I'm rushing much more muscle onto my body, and I think that's exactly what's happening. My upper body feels MUCH stronger, and I feel it in my arms, neck and chest.
Eventually, the weight's going to have to come off, and I'm willing to be patient until it happens. I'm starting to do the embarassing thing now with the scale.. sucking in when I step on it, holding my breath.. doing anything I can do to get the number down, when I know damn well that it doesn't work that way.
A mental war, right? As long as I win, I can deal with the rest.
I may write more later, but I wanted to get those numbers out there.
Go Tucker, Go!
I'm wore out just reading about your workout. Good for you!
And it will get easier. Remember, it's not just the number. It's the overall "well being" that's important.
Just like getting old, living long isn't important if there's no quality of life. Your working for more than just the number.
Great job!!
Dude, that's awesome! You're becoming a beast (the good kind). I'll let you in on a little secret: I do the exact same thing with the scale. ;)
hahaha- I like tighten up all my muscles on the scale- weird...
Great progress! I have a suggestion- for some of your exercises (maybe all of them), I'd recommend at least once a week doing a higher weight, lower rep workout- for example, your bench press- instead of doing 3 sets of 10 at 135, try doing 2 sets of 5-7 at, say, 165 or whatever you can. You do these with a weight that you literally can only do 5-7 times, no more.
Ask Josh about this, it supposedly trains your other muscle fibers or something, and will probably increase your strength even more!
Billy, I've thought about that, but I don't have a spotter. I get a bit nervous when it comes to overdoing the weight without someone overtop me, and frankly, most of the guys at the gym are douchebags, so I wouldn't bother asking for a spot.
Maybe I can start doing extras when Josh is around though. Josh, thoughts?
Just ask someone to spot you dude, that's what douchebags are for ;)
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