If you guess 332, you'd be correct. Third day in a row, and fourth out of five. Not quite sure WHY this wall just built itself up in front of me, but I plan on driving a tank right through it eventually. Not sure why I've locked in at 332, and I'm not sure when I'm going to break through it, but it will be broken. The body can only deny me the 320's for so long.
So that's the bad news. I'm incredibly frustrated over the scale reading even though I'm not supposed to look at it like that.
The good news is about everything else.
I wore a suit jacket today that I haven't been able to wear in over a year. The shoulders were snug, but that's only going to get worse with the weights that I've been lifting. The gut was MUCH looser, and that's what is great.
Also, a pair of pants that I wore the day I proposed to my wife (they were custom fit) were literally falling off of me. In fact, the belt that I've been wearing the past year was drawn to the TIGHTEST possible hole in the belt, and that didn't help it at all. I was one touchdown signal away from them being around my ankles. Another positive feeling.
And then to add to that, I did my full weight workout tonight, and every single one of my weights are getting stronger. My bench has gone from 115 to 125, and if I had a spotter I would have gone further. My chest row went from 140 to 160. My squats have gone from 85 to 135. On my tricep extensions I'm now pressing 2 sets of 15 using the full stack of 150 pounds. It's all going well.
But my brain focuses on the scale. It's my weakness, the bottom line, and what my mind focuses on. I know all the good, yet I focus on the bad. How typical is that?
No matter. I'm getting stronger every day, and if that means I have to pick the locker room scale up over my head and throw it out the window one day, that's what it means.
Keep fighting. In the words of my new favorite motivational song, "No Easy Way Out" by Survivor...
There's no easy way out..
There's no shortcut home.
Race you to the bottom.
yup- we all know it, but it's so hard to believe till you see it: That damn scale is NOT the only way of measuring results! I was looking at my pictures today, and despite all the difficulties I've been having with my weigh-ins, this latest pic looks slimmer.
Same with your clothes, dude. Scales are stupid...
STOP LOOKING AT THE SCALE EVERY DAMN DAY!!!!!!!! It's gonna make you crazy. Just keep working and you'll get there. It'll be a challenge, it actually sounds like it already is, but you can make it. So stop whining, put down the cheeseburger, and Get 'Er Done!!! Oh, and I meant what I said about dieting with you when you hit my weight. Only forty pounds left to go. Yeah, I know I'm like a foot shorter, but stop making excuses!!!!
LOL, thanks Jimbo.
Actually, weighing in each day is helping more than hurting. It's a mental strain, but because I post here every day, it forces me to go to the gym every day because I have to report in.
Plus, using this 5-day average, it's helping me keep perspective. If I gain a pound or two over the course of a day, I can attribute it to the 2-3 pound fluxuation of the body.
It drives me nuts, but it drives me to the gym as well.. and I'll take that trade-off ;)
And you realize when (not if) I catch you on the weight department, you're going running with me, right?
Hey Jimbo,
I don't know who you are, but sounds like it's you who are making excuses!
Waiting till Rob gets down to your weight to start dieting? Why not start now?
Also, Rob isn't eating any cheeseburgers, but if you are, maybe you will make your way UP to Rob's weight! ;)
argh!!! I just posted a long one and lost it somehow!!!
Ok...what I was trying to say was that you seem to feel you're focused on your frustration, but really, Rob, in that post I read a lot of positive...your clothes fitting, your strenth improvement, your confidence in breaking down that wall....so I think you're doing awesome! Like I said before, the mentality you carry is one of the most important things you can have!
I took the 5 day average to my weight loss/bible study group last week. The ladies thought it was a GREAT idea. So I'll see how they liked it this week when we meet tonight.
Anyway, thanks for being an inspiration...I've lost 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks, and I have to say reading your blogs have helped a lot. I feel like quitting often, or I want to give in to a temptation because of stress or whatever and then read your determiniation, and it motivates me to keep going!
Great job, buddy, and thanks!
Homeboy, keep it up. We'll change up your cardio next week, more boxing, more jump rope...don't buy one yet. We're also gonna run some drills i have for my athletes. we'll shock your body with a different stimulus and bust through your plateau. Next week you will be in the 220's. Scale numbers don't matter, your body is packing on muscle at this point. However, its important to you for whatever reason and we'll get it in the 220's next week. it will be my honor.
Josh, as much as I'd like to get into the 220's this week, I'd be happy for the 320s ;)
I'll take you up on it.
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