Tuesday, February 13, 2007

In Neutral

No Weigh In Today.

So, I took the advice of you guys, and took a day off today. I was going to work out this morning, but then I realized I had a DVR'ed "Heroes" to watch, so I did that. And then, it was work all day. Then, I was going to head to the gym, but I decided to take it easy, since I was going to be playing volleyball in a few hours anyway.

Then, when I got home, volleyball was canceled, so I didn't do that either. Thought about going for a jog or heading to the gym, but by that time, it was 8:30ish, so I decided that I've earned a day. Also, I just got done snowblowing, so I guess that counts. Not much, but a day of rest is a day of rest.

Other than that, it was a pretty typical day. It's strange.. I don't think I would have ever had my mind trained to think that working out "Only 6 times in a week" is slacking. I feel like I should have been in the gym. I used to give my excuses to myself on why I skipped, and today I'm completely the opposite. Part of the lifestyle transformation, I suppose.

Also, I want to throw a shoutout to Maggie over at work. She came over to my desk today, gave me a high-five, and told me that even though she doesn't post comments very much, I was doing a good job. Made my day. So, Maggie.. I know you read this, I appreciate it.

Another day, another dollar. Until next time.


Shonakee said...

It's been a while since I've checked in here, but glad to see the counter up top going down...keep it up, Tuck...I've slacked on my battle of the bulge, but having seen someone make a 20 lb (I'm giving ya that .4 lbs, you've earned it ;)) transfermation by just continuing along the line they've set forth is an insentive to start back up and make it a life change.

I'm pulling to see ya win that 100 yard fight...keep it up and don't worry about a day off here and there, you wanna stay fresh in the gym, anyhow.

billy said...

Yeah, dude- you should take at least one day off every single week. It's not slacking, it will help. Your body needs the rest. If it's overtaxed, it will begin to fight against what you are trying to do.

Anonymous said...

Aw! Thanks Rob! I'm glad I made your day :o)

I hope you enjoyed your day off; you definitely deserved it...