Thursday, February 8, 2007

Weigh In: 330

Yup, I nudged myself off of the 332 mark, if only for a day. I worked out in the AM today, as opposed to later in the day like I've been doing lately. I want to be happy about, but I'll save the enthusiasm for when the 5-day average dips under 330. Small steps.

I've been reading everyone's blogs lately, and it seems like we're facing the same problems, just at different intervals. It took Becky a long time to finally reach the 100's, but she's finally made it there. Billy's struggling through a flatland plateau. Kev's facing the same. There's injuries, stress, and real life.

I think that's ok. It means we're normal, and what I like the most about this whole thing is this -

In the past, when I hit these struggles.. each and every one that we're all facing, I've tended to give up. I get frustrated, and head to the pizza shop, or off to McDonalds. It's how I've always done it. I was good at working out for a few months, but as the honeymoon ends, the weight goes back up.

We haven't done that. I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling pretty confidant when I sit back and look at where we've come from. Carl did the math, and we've lost over 120 pounds as a team. We've been doing this at most since November. I started on November 22nd, and I wasn't even able to step on the scale and get an accurate number because the scale didn't go high enough to weigh myself. Less than 2 1/2 months later, we've assembled this group of folks who have different lives, different weight issues, yet one common link.

We want to get healthy.

So, while we're facing our struggles, let's look at the big picture. We're changing our lives, and we're doing it the right way.

Be proud of yourselves. I'm proud of myself, and of the FAT Coalition.


Whyves said...

I don't know if its the F.A.T. but this time I really feel commited to my goal and I must admit that I'm proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you check my other blog. Awesome job grasshopper; keep up the amazing work, mentally and physically.

Kevin A. said...

I should have read this before I posted. I'm stepping in your toes.

But one can never have too much motivation, right?

Rob Tucker said...

Nah, not at all.

It's no surprise that we're all thinking the same thing lately. A team, reaching for the same goals.

billy said...

I couldn't agree more.

Without a doubt, the F.A.T. coalition is the most powerful weight loss tool I've ever had access to. It's funny, you always hear people say "Get a weight loss buddy, or have the support of friends and family" as part of a successful weight loss strategy.

It's one of those things I've always blown off. I've always been shy about weight loss; I never really wanted to involve friends and family very much, I guess I wanted people to think I did it on my own, and I didn't want to draw attention to it.

But the fact is, this coalition has saved me, and probably all of us, from becoming discouraged and falling ass-first into a plate of nachos.

When I started my blog there was no one looking at it, I was typing into an abyss. I'm glad we all found each other, I feel like the support I've gotten and given here has been one of the most important aspects of my success thus far.

Anonymous said...

You just HAD to mention McDonalds, didn't you?? ;) Not to get all new-age on you all, but the positive energy surrounding the F.A.T. Coalition right now is through the roof!! We're all at a frustrating stage of our journey (aka The Plateau), yet all you see is encouragement!

I completely agree that this coalition is saving most, if not all of us. You guys rock!

Anonymous said...

Great post Rob - very powerful. You've definitely got the right outlook and the right attitude - and you've already made great strides and had many successes (i.e. wearing that suit jacket for the first time in over a year).

I have no doubt with your outlook and the way you're approaching this latest attempt to get healthy that you will be successful!


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