Total Calories: 2025
Daily Sodium Intake - 4,156 mg Daily Cholesterol Intake - 1,424 mg Daily Fiber Intake - 11 grams |
Sat, Jan 26 2008 | |||
Breakfast | |||
B Egg, Whole - Raw, Fresh | 250 | 368 | |
Turkey Breakfast Sausage Links - Sausage Products | 143 | 238 | |
Lunch | |||
C LEAN POCKETS Brand Ham & Cheddar | 504 | 560 | |
Dinner | |||
B+ Cheeseburger Soup | 652 | 749 | |
Snacks | |||
B ROLD GOLD Honey Wheat Braided Twists | 28 | 110 |
Eating wise, it was pretty non-eventful. Got a new recipe from a co-worker for this soup, and it's pretty damned good. Perhaps not the best menu today - but I kept to my calories. High sodium and carbs, but I'm going to point that towards the Lean Pockets and pretzels. Not the best choices, but certainly not the worst I could have done. I passed a few temptations, so that's about all I can ask for.
Also, you'll notice the number on the scale going down. A few things to report - I bought a new scale a few days ago but have been testing the numbers on both - I wanted to see how the fluctuations worked. Seems like my old scale will keep dropping if I keep stepping on it - for example, today it came in at 278, 277, 276, 274.5, 273.5. Obviously, this thing's biting the dust. The new one I bought holds a max of 450 pounds, as opposed to the old one holding only 300. To me, that means it's going to be more accurate. Plus, I stepped on it 5 times in a row and it gave me the exact same number. That's been the case every time I stepped on it - so that's my new scale. And with both scales, my weight has dropped pretty big the past 2 days, so I'm going to hold my breath and see if I can't get it to continue.
Tonight's my 400th blog post.
That's incredible to me, just the fact that I've stuck to something long enough to say I did it 400 times. That's easily over a year and a month if I only posted once a day, and never missed a day. I think that says something about my dedication to this. It's not always going to be easy - and it's DEFINITELY not always going to be success, but it's going to be THERE.
Old reliable.
And as long as I keep posting, it means I haven't given up and forgotten about WHY I am doing this. No one EVER got fat by stepping on the scale and holding themselves accountable for their actions - may they be good or bad.
And that's a success all in itself.
Tuck, I'm saying this because you've asked for honesty. You are an original and I respect that, but here goes. Lean Pockets? C'mon!
Throw the Lean Pockets and "Smart Ones" out the goddamn window. NOW. Don't make me come to your house and do it. It's reduced calorie shit food. Look at the ingredients. We have a babysitter who is at least 250 lbs (prob 300, she could definately be on Biggest Loser), and do you know what she eats for lunch every day? A Lean Pocket, or a Weight Watchers Frozen Dinner, or a Smart Ones, or some other shit ass, processed dog food. Needless to say, she has not lost any weight. I think she is getting fatter, actually.
Losing weight is about nutrition, not working out. Yes, working out helps, but if you eat the wrong stuff, you won't get results. Do you know how to cook? If so, stop making cheesburger soup and start making veggie soup (with beef broth, if you like). Go on and you'll find a bunch of recipes for soup, chicken, turkey, beef, you name it. I have a few good ones that you could start with, let me know if you want them. Tell that wife of yours to help you out with the cooking as well.
Do you have a Whole Foods near you? If you want something Frozen that is convenient, go there and look at the choices they have. I like the Amy's Whole Wheat Pesto and Cheese Pizza for a carby treat (but once a week, not once a day). If you don't have a Whole Foods, most supermarkets are really beefing up their organic sections, and I'm starting to see a lot of good stuff showing up there.
If you are going to eat bread, don't eat much, and don't eat commercial Wheat bread, it's not that much better than white. Buy some whole grain or sourdough (or whole wheat sourdough) bread from a bakery (or Whole Foods).
Cook a whole turkey breast (whole foods has naturally raised turkey) and eat it throughout the week. Make a big batch of Chili and eat that throughout the week. Eat more veggies.
Read Dr. Weill's book, it will open your eyes about food.
My one buddy who has been super healthy and lean for 10 years has very few rules about eating, but here is #1:
If you stick to that mantra 90%, you are golden.
My heart aches for you and how you are struggling. You have come a long way, and I respect that.
Good Luck, and I'm here if you need me.
hello brotherjay this is "that wife of rob's", Erin. Just wanted to say that I *did* ask him what he wanted for dinner last night and we talked about it and he inputed the recipe and found the calories before we started making it. and I do "help him out with the cooking". every week before I go grocery shopping we talk about dinner recipes for the upcoming week and what would be some good choices.
anyway, I do like your idea of making a pot of chili or soup perhaps on Sunday and then taking it for a lunch everyday. He has been wanting different ideas for lunches and that's a good one.
I won't get on you about the processed crap Tuck, because I do it too. It's good to see the number coming down, though. Keep it going. The two-sixties aren't that far off, bro, and they're the gateway to the two-fifties and the first goal posted on your page. Talk to me tomorrow too. I've got an idea for something that should keep us both working for the next year or so at least, even if it is a little crazy.
Glad to hear that you are helping out so much, that is great. Do you have a Whole Foods in your area or a supermarket that has a good organic section?
Planning is something I forgot to mention, and that's my bad because it is so important. Every weekend, I sit down and plan every lunch/dinner (I usually eat the same stuff for breakfast) for the week, then I make the grocery list off of that plan. The key is to then stick to that plan!
Yes we do have Whole Foods, but the problem with that place is it is a lot more $$ then a regular grocery store.
Yeah, we've talked about the Whole Foods thing, but we're just not in a position to invest the extra cost of food. I think the planning for days in advance thing is a great idea - one I will be using, and as long as I'm getting more natural (read: no more getting chewed out for Lean Pockets lol) foods in me, I think there's plenty of better choices at a regular grocery store.
My biggest issue is getting quality to be more important to me than convenience. With my schedule, that's not a luxury I have sometimes - but the preparing lunches for the week on Sunday night thing - that's manageable.
The thing about those processed, reduced calorie crap foods is that they leave you unsatisfied, undernourished, and they do nothing as far as changing your habits about food. As long as you're reaching for the lean pockets, the hot pockets aren't far off. It's about changing your habits toward food. Easy, convenient, cheap, processed food, whether "diet" or not, is crap.
what about a diet like weight watchers? thats all about eat whatever you want (pizza, ice cream, weight watchers frozen meal) as long as you stay within your points for the day. people on that diet are eating processed food and it seems to help lose weight?
they rarely keep it off.
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