Weigh In: 276.0
Ok, so the weight dropped 4 pounds yesterday. I ate perfectly as planned, and had a good workout. 4 pounds is a ton of weight, but whatever it takes, I'm taking it.
I feel pretty good right now - I went out and did HIIT for the first time in months, and now I remember how 17 minutes on the Eliptical can do wonders when compared to 30 minutes at a steady pace. Those 13 minutes I saved let me get more in on the weights. I have to just keep doing the HIIT, I don't know why I'm so afraid of it. I don't like HIIT because it's hard. Well, DUH. Wonder why that is?
I was able to get back on the bench today too. My max (without a spotter, I won't push it too hard) is 225, so I did 3 sets of 8 with the 225. During my rest is did crunches on the yoga ball, and then did some legs and more ab work. A good workout. I feel like I could probably push myself harder, but I felt wiped out after this one, so it's a step in the right direction.
For meals today I had a leftover chicken breast for breakfast (cold, walking out to work - high class meal there), and I have a Healthy Choice soup and oatmeal waiting for me for the day. I'm at work until 6pm tonight, so I'm prepared to have two quick meals as the day goes on. If I can be smart once I get out of work and eat the RIGHT way, I'll make two strong days in a row. I used to say that three makes a streak. Here's a crazy thought - why don't I stop screwing up and clear through January PERFECT? I know - crazy, right?
To keep up on pace for my 60 pounds in 2008, I have to lose 5 pounds a month. That means I need to get to 275 by the end of this month - and I weighed in at 276 today. Something tells me that if I really bust my ass and be honest with myself, I'll blow the 60 pounds out.
I need to be accountable to myself first - that's something I need to remember.
Accountability to yourself is the most important thing, Tuck, and I'm glad you realized that. I'm also happy to see that your workout yesterday was a rough one, but don't worry if you think you could have done more. Don't get me wrong, it's obviously important to do your best, but if you were already wiped out, you don't want to go too hard and hurt yourself.
Up for a challenge, Rob?
Let's see who can eat cleaner longer. I'll keep tabs on my blog, or we can keep tabs in the forum...either way. And we can open this up to anyone who wants to participate. (As if we don't have enough challenges going on!!)
Wuddeya say? :)
4 lbs in a day???????? that is AWESOME!
ps- you will be having a healthy dinenr too, I am making pork chops and salad. :)
You can't beat Pork Chops and Salad :)
Beck - you're on. Do you want to start today? We can do a challenge on the blogs, or the page, whichever is best.
Rob, sounds like your head is back on straight- awesome!
It sounded like you did HIIT before your strength training? I've heard it's better to do it last, although just doing it is the real important part ;)
225x8x3? That's pretty bad ass, man, better than I could do. I feel like for some reason I'm stronger with the dumbbell press than the straight up bench press. weird...
Anyway, this post made me happy to read. Good to have you back in it.
See, I wasn't sure about the order of HIIT and strength training. Which order would you recommend? Going straight to strength training, or hitting the cardio for a few minutes for warm up (like 5-10 min eliptical)?
Maybe I'll try 4-5 min on the Elliptical just to get loose tomorrow morning, hit the weights hard and then go kill myself with the HIIT. I haven't sweat that hard since .. well, in a while ;)
That's what I would do. A 5 minute warmup (either cardio or light bodyweight circuit), then weights, then HIIT.
Aw, man. Today? I was going to have a nice dinner at Johnny Rockets tonight. I'M KIDDING!! Yeah, let's do this right now. I think we should take it to the blogs so anyone can join. Plus, it's just easier to track there.
Just my .02 but I've also always heard that a short warm up, then weight training, and cardio afterwards. That way your body is at full strength for the weights (which obviously ups your heart rate too) and then you can stack the cardio session on top of it.
I've been told that doing it the other way around increases the risk for injury, because your body is depleated from the cardio.
Hey Rob I just wanted to say your bench press is impressive! Youre a strong man - Erin should be proud to know you would keep her nice and safe if you had to :)
Your hiit or any cardio other than your warm-up should come after your weights simply because it allows you to have more energy for your lifts.
The best warm-up for weights is however a set of whatever exercises youll be performing. That way you warm up the exact muscles youll be using. The next best is dynamic.
Another challenge? Hmm, I like this one. I'll have to think about it, esp. since my weekends are usually the point where all discipline goes to pot.
As for the weights and Hiit, the others are right, and the reason kyle gave is the correct one. Tendons looser, form goes to the birds, etc. when you're already pooped from cardio.
im thrilled that the weight had melted off like that! i hope you feelinspired by that to take the bull by the horns this time around and really break through the barriers. keep it up!
4 lbs is nice. The thing about weight gain over a short period of time is that it comes from specific aberrations, not a lifestyle, and it comes off pretty quickly. I hope that the momentum of seeing pretty steady weight drops will help you keep going.
Um, 225 3x8?! You're a beast - you could bench press 1.5 of me. That's crazy! I hope that, when you may not be 100% in terms of weight loss, that you can look at your performance in the gym and gain some pride & accomplishment from that.
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