Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nowhere To Go But Down

Weigh In: 277.5

See, now this one boggles my mind. I can chalk part of it up to me getting up MUCH earlier this morning than the past few days, and having to be out the door. I know my weight goes down during the day, and my 275.5 from yesterday was later in the day (like 9am - I forget?), and the 277.5 came around 5:45am this morning. So, perhaps that has a role to play.

I don't really get how I got the 277.5 this morning. I didn't deserve it, but got it anyway. The last few days have been a perfect picture of eating. I'm talking PERFECT. And yet the weight climbs. I don't have to tell you guys how frustrating that is.

So I did what I knew. I had to be at the school to do my student teaching at 8:30, so I left at 7:30 to get there in the blizzard this morning. That means I was out the door at in the gym by 6:00am. I cranked out my cardio workout (off day on the BellyOff! program), and started my day. Today, I had a measured out bowl of Wheat Chex for breakfast (like 350 cals), some of Erin's homemade Chicken Stew (broiled chicken and all veggies in a chicken stock) for lunch, and am probably going to have the same thing for dinner after an hour of volleyball.

I'm going to intentionally be *WAY* low on calories - perhaps around 1200. Is that good or ideal? Probably not. But I have to shock the system somehow, and if that's what it takes, the body isn't going to hate me after one day. And if it does, that's too bad - it gets what it deserves.

So I do what I have to do. I eat perfectly. I work out faithfully. I don't give up.

That's all I can do. There's nowhere else to go but down.


Marcol said...

You probably dont want to hear this but undereating is definitely not the way to go. Truth be told that may be the problem anyway. Not getting in enough calories and water will cause the body to hold on to weight and seemingly gain.

Just an idea - you may want to do a calculation to figure out your maintenance calories and gradually work up to eating at that for a few weeks or so then decrease from there by 200-500 calories until you get the weekly 1-2 lb weightloss.

Otherwise you might just keep hovering where you are because your body isnt taking in enough. I weigh about a 100 lbs less than you and I eat more than you do and lose weight. So something is wrong somewhere. I hope this helps.

Either way, Im glad youre not giving up.

Anonymous said...

Rob -

Don't give up - if you keep up the great eating and the workouts you WILL see results - no doubt about it. I agree with Marcol though - you may be taking in TOO little calories - 1200 in a day seems way too low - not to mention it would be very hard to maintain that pace.

I had a dentist appt this morning so I didn't have to hit the gym till about 7. I'll be there at 6 AM tomottow though (Wednesday) - maybe I'll see you there then.

Rob Tucker said...

1200's way too low - I've been around 2300 (which is what my number should be) - today's just a drastic event. No way would I stay around 1200 on a normal day.

My maintenance and all that is around 3200, and I try to keep myself between 2000-2500, which is where I should be. Don't want you guys to think I'm at 1200 for longer than today. That's just a guess I threw out for today, anyway. May be more by the end of the day.

billy said...

There's no harm in a 1200 calorie day, but I have a better idea.

Why not try dialing in your carb intake as low as humanly possible. What does this mean? Scrambled eggs for breakfast instead of cereal. NO bread, not even whole wheat. NO pasta, NO potatoes, NO rice. Your only carbs come from veggies and beans. Keep it in the 2000-2500 calorie range, just be as carb-free as possible.

Try that for a week. Seriously.

Marcol said...

Rob Im not sure where youre getting your calculations from but something is wrong. Maintaince is usually 15 x your body weight. At that your Maintenance would be a little over 4000 calories. So then to lose some weight you should be consuming around 3000-3500 to lose 1-2 lbs a week.

The 15 x your body weight isnt something Ive made up. Its what the industry uses.

Another way you could calculate all this is take your body weight and mutiply it by 1 gram of protein for every lb of body weight. Mutiply that number by 4 (as there are 4 calories in every gram of protein) then divide that by lets say 30% (the amount of protein youll eat daily) to come up with your total calorie needs. Then take that number and multiply it by 45% to get your carb intake. Then once again take that total calorie number and multiply it by 25% to get your daily fat percentage.

For you this would be 277 x 4=1108/.30= 3693 your daily calorie needs

3693 x .30 = 1108 daily protein
3693 x .45 = 1634 daily carbs
3693 x .25 = 923 daily fat

As you can see for you to lose weight appears you should be eating around 3000-3500 calories.

The catch here is, when you up to the 4000 calorie maintenance you will appear to gain weight but do it gradually and stay there for a few weeks then drop down to the 3000-3500 and you will lose ongoing and then adjust by decreasing by 200- 500 as you start to plateau to keep losing.

If you do follow this, dont increase to your maintenance with bad foods. Do it clean.

If you dont think this is the thing to do try to sit with a personal trainer at a gym and see if they give you the same info.

Hopefully this helps.

billy said...

The problem with those calculations is that they don't take into account fat mass vs. lean mass.

Lean mass, being metabolically active, requires calories to sustain; fat mass does not.

So, maybe the equation should be more like 15x goal weight?

kyle said...

Keep truckin Tuck, and like you said it'll come off. I just can't figure all of these people doing so well, and the weight not dropping. It's obvious that you're frustrated, but you know that you're taking the necessary steps to lose weight. Soon enough the scale will start agreeing with me.

Marcol said...

Yes, 15 x goal can work too as long as its not too drastic.